Natural Hair Dictionary — Inside Kinks

Natural hair has a tendency to recoil towards the scalp. Today i decided to show you guys how i straighten my natural 4c hair without heat. Threading gives a really great stretch without heat and without pulling hair as you would need to do on a roller set. This is one of the least damaging and best ways to stretch out curly natural hair and thus to prevent shrinkage.

Pull the rope braids tightly across your head to help further stretch out the hair. Once the hair is dry, make small sections. Today, we use thread as a heat-free method to stretch hair prior to styling. Before this dryer, I never blowdried my hair myself because I just couldn't get the hang of using a regular blowdryer 🙂 I'll wait until my hair is about 90% dry, and then I'll complete the process with the heat.

For all no heat stretched styles, we love Mizani H2O Rose Conditioning Hairdress because it's super moisturising and absorbent for thirsty natural hair - without weighing the hair down with residue. The famous pineapple isn't just for sleeping with natural hair to preserve your 'do It's also great for lengthening your curls.

Banding is when you use rubber or elastic hair bands to stretch out the curls in your hair. It is possible to achieve a similar although usually with a less stretched out results by braiding or twisting instead of African threading. Many women love their natural hair but do not like to wear their hair in its shrunken state all the time.

Without humidity and water in the air, your bone straight can hold the style for a longer amount of time. Your hair can withstand temperatures up to 450 degrees, and heat damage doesn't usually occur until that temperature is surpassed and applied excessively.

You stretch natural hair could do this on damp hair but to achieve straightened looking hair, wait for your hair to dry then start doing the threading and do moisturise your hair before doing it and do take care of your edges not to tighten too much or you will damage them.

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